Physical Interaction Design


Developing an multisensory teaching aid for a group of junior infants (aged. 4-6) in a local primary school. The main aim of this project was to interest and teach kids how to construct letters in cursive.

Duration: 6 weeks
Context: College project with stakeholders (year 1)


Note on Research & Testing


Due to child protection and COVID-19, our research has been carried out for us in great part. We were limited to a group interview with the primary school teacher and an interim presentation to gather feedback before developing a final prototype. I learned how I could design based on research that has been handed to me. It gave me more time to focus on rapid prototyping, physical fabrication and coding.

As for testing, I was lucky to have a 4-year-old sister running around. She was always gladly testing my prototypes and gave helpful feedback. You will see her little hand throughout this project :)

Final prototype has been taken to the school and tested with a group of junior infants. I have was able to view the recordings of those test sessions, but am not permitted to share any of them.


Idea of tracing lights was chosen after initial brainstorm


 Idea: Tracing Lights

  • Hopefully has a mesmerising quality to kids

  • Promoting correct sequence of steps when writing a letter

  • Helping kids overcome the block at decision points of letters, i.e., reduce: “Where do I go next?” question.


Decision points in letter '“a”.


Let’s make stuff!!


I probably didn’t mention it, but I LOVE crafting things with my hands.

Developing an early electronics circuit - light on a path


And what is this now? Ah of course… Problem #1

LIghts were turning ON / OFF and promoted poking instead of continuous flowing motion (not what I wanted).


Solution #1

Solution: Adafruit NeoPixel with addressable RGB LEDs. They also come in long, flexible strips that will prove important later.

Green and red follow starting / ending point conventions from teaching resources used in the school.


Finding a way to diffuse light and guide in through a directed path (letterform)


What again?? Oh… Problem #2

I didn’t have enough length on my LED tape. I foolishly chose letter p, which has a long and complicated path. I planned on having two rows of LEDs going down and up the ascender as not to break the NeoPixel tape and make coding easier.


Easiest Solution #2

Choose a simpler letter (at least for now) to actually prove the concept within the timeframe of the project.


Time for the laser cutter

We were able to use college laser cutter to fabricate our projects.
Pros: Quick and precise manufacturing
Cons: Materials limitations (greyboard, plywood, acrylic)
Challenge: Designing 3D objects from elements cut on a 2D laser cutter.

Greyboard prototype: figuring out structural integrity and laser cutting file work (this is before I realised Problem #2).


Mid-fidelity prototype: working with plywood and acrylic to test assemble all parts. (letter adjusted - solution #2)


Rounded corners - another safety consideration.


Sanding off the edges of the groove to be smooth, splinter-free and safe for fingers!


Mid-fidelity Success

(I recommend waiting until the end with sound on)

With electronics working and the manufacturing coming together, I was able to test the design with my sister. She was mesmerised by the lights!


You guessed it - another problem #3

How can I attach the LED strip securely and precisely in the shape of a letter? (Hint: LED fixture)

Final Prototype


Note: Power fixture would be improved. Arduino Service cable would also be removed as final product would use the same power source to power LEDs and the code.


Final Safety Revision: Epilepsy Considerations


…there is still one BIG problem!

Each box can only display one letter this is not good, as schools would need to purchase 26 lower case and 26 upper case boxes which is not feasible.

Screen with a top cover could be used to achieve the same tactile effect. Top covers could have RFID / NFC tags and trigger a correct animation on the screen.

I got so bogged down solving all the problems as they came up, that I forgot to remind myself of the bigger picture - lesson learned 🤓


Oracle UX Internship


Universal Design